About remembering...

My granny told me once, that in 1955, on a historical day she stood on the square, in front of Castle „Belvedere“. The day that Austrian Prime Minister Leopold Figl spoke to the crowd the famous words „Austria is free !“  Until today those words, spoken when the occupants, allies winners of the 2nd world war left Austria, are famous landmarks in Austria's postwar history

2WARdS-Europe deals with those very personal memory of individual persons regarding war and difficult conflicts. Senior citizens who share with us their experiences and impressions, their memories on hard times in European history and in their personal life. 


Workshop Peace and War

One of the main outcomes of 2WARdS-Europe LLP is a free accessible workshop, based on material from all partners involved and developed by our Austrian partner.

The workshop can be used in highschool or informal adult education. 
The language of the workshop material and subtitling is English. However, some partners intend to translate the material in their mothertongue language. 

- to the main information of the workshop
- to the workshop material