Paroles par l’Image
Paroles par l’Image is a charity organisation, according to the 1901 French law, registered in February 2007, under the number W381000116, at the Prefecture of Isere County, Grenoble.
The association aims at achieving several objectives:
To mobilise image (photo and video) as an efficient way of expression, of word taking by individuals (and groups) who face difficulties to make hear their voice.
To use image (photo and video) as a strong medium for inter-cultural dialogue in France and in Europe.
We assume that, with such publics, image production participatory processes are able to encourage and develop cultural learning and practices, especially in visual arts.
They also contribute to the promotion of social questioning, which can be contained in the visual productions.
For doing so, we consider as a priority to establish partnership with institutional and associative actors, local, national and international, which share similar objectives of social questioning through art and cultural practice.
The association focuses its efforts on:
The building of projects which facilitate the support to actors in contact with potentially concerned publics. This support – methodological and artistic - should be remunerated or subsidised.
The participation in projects involving several partners in Europe, which give the opportunity to apply to European programmes oriented on education, culture and youth or social issues.