Centre Culturel de Ganshoren La Villa

La Villa is a community centre recognized and supported by the municipality of Ganshoren (Brussels), the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Commission Communautaire Française. La Villa hosts and organizes socio-cultural and artistic activities since 1972. 

Exhibitions, Music concerts, painting classes, languages courses (including French as a foreign language and adult literacy program) and many more activities take place in the 1923 building of La Villa, in a very convivial and cosy atmosphere.




Activities in the framework of 2WARDS Europe

La Villa was part of several activities in the framework of 2WARDS Europe: mobilities to France, Germany, Poland, Finland, Latvia, etc., the making of a movie focusing on the fate of a jewish child, hidden in Ganshoren during the WWII (to see in the "video" section) and lectures on the old graveyard of Ganshoren, where numerous veterans rest.