About conflict
What differentiates semantically a contingent situation and a conflict? Under which circumstances contingent places (physical and / or discursive) become conflict? Does direct research focus on the conflicted state abolish it or necessarily partially underlines, i.e. perpetuates. Any attempt to overturn a conflicting situation by neutralizing differences is only potentiation delayed, not its solution. Instead of investigating the conflict, you may need to "nurture" contingency, participating in constant negotiating differences.
A conflict is ignited through the clash of the way in which institutions, political strategists and the West expect people in South East Europe to remember their wars on the one hand, and of how people actually remember them on the other. Individual memories can sometimes bring into question or dismiss dominant mnemonic systems and deviate from the politically correct war narratives by attaching people's own interpretations, meanings and practices to certain past episodes, occurrences and characters.
Perhaps in this context we could speak about the conflict on an ideological level, which can be reflected in the space. I mean particularly the demolition and destruction of monuments that happened after the regime change. These indicate destructive clash of ideologies, the one that was demolished and whose remains in the area should be removed, so that removal indicates the right position of a new ideology. In order to make history of the winner as much credible and coherent as possible, some things must forgotten and removed from the public memory. We can look back on the traces of the anti-fascist struggle in Zagreb, how the names of streets changed through which one can read the importance of individuals and events (after World War II and after the war in the 1990s), but also the remains of names of specific locations in their everyday speech after renaming. One of the forms of ideological conflicts can be found on the Trešnjevke, if we continue to make the study of population's preferences for "red" or "blue."
The conflict is due to misunderstanding of thoughts, history or culture. As old as humanity itself, the lack of it can signal serious social disorders. It very frequent in totalitarian societies.
The first association of the word conflict, parents. The opposing sides in the divorcing procedure between Croatia and Yugoslavia, as well of a wife from a husband, a Serbian from a Croat..